Vocational Training by REFA

The aim of REFA is to increase industrial efficiency through vocational training. The REFA Methodology includes the traditional core knowledge of REFA which has been continuously updated since 1924. The core methods focus on optimising work processes as well as evaluating operational data.
When methods and tools according to the REFA Methodology are used, it is possible to look at work processes in a systematic and holistic approach so that the entire value-added chain of an organisation can be analysed and optimised.
Noteworthy is REFA's neutral approach to tariffs. Before a method is up-dated and published, the content is checked by the Confederation of German Employers' Associations (BDA) and the German Confederation of Trade Unions (DGB).
The courses are held by certified REFA trainers who are experienced in the practical work processes of companies.
The training consists of lessons, group work and case studies. It includes practical examples from different sectors of industry as well as practice-related training to make the participants capable of applying the methods.
Benefits - Participants of REFA Basic Training in Work Organisation are:
- analyse and design workplaces under ergonomic and economic viewpoints
- analyse business processes
- design efficient process-orientated work organisation
- apply methods of process optimisation
- actively participate in the improvement of business processes
- determine data for planning, control and cost calculation
- conduct cost calculations
- participate in the design of remuneration systems
Further Information

Work- and Process Organisation - Seminars and Training Programmes for Effective Production Management. - REFA Basic Training in Work Organisation - REFA – Germany’s leading association in Work Design, Industrial Organisation Company
Work- and Process Organisation - REFA Basic Training in Work Organisation - Learn targets